Saturday, November 2, 2013

Help Bring Awareness To Our Nation

Those of you who Like Teenie's Creations on Facebook know that I am constantly striving to make the world more aware in general. Now it's your turn to help...
Please email, message; or even call me with anything you would like people to become aware of. I am always trying to find Colors, Names, and Dates for National Awareness.

So far, we've been able to raise money for a few families and foundations; but I want to do more. I would love to see my donation list grow! That is where you all come in...

If you know and want to see something you are passionate about come to light; I want to work with you to design a specific collection, and even raise funds to make others aware.

Thank you all so much for always supporting my efforts; and for helping me keep shining light on so many wonderful organizations and their causes.

Be Blessed!